


Each massage is performed by experienced masseuses. We make every effort to ensure that each client leaves fully relaxed and satisfied with our services.


To excite a man with an erotic massage, the masseuse uses all her charm and experience.

The process includes:
• Gentle rubbing and spot massage to help circulate blood through the body, warm the skin, and activate internal energy.
• Seductive touches with breasts, fingers, hair in all erogenous zones.
• The actual excitement is to increase the intensity of the movement. The masseuse will return to the sensitive points more and more, giving them all the tenderness.
• To bring you to the peak of pleasure, natural oil is mandatory, so all movements will be incredibly gentle.


Prostate massage is one of the sexual techniques designed to stimulate the prostate gland, increase sexual sensation and assist in the treatment of prostate diseases. Prostate massage can be external as well as internal. External involves stimulation of the perineal area between the scrotum and anus, which is in the cast of the prostate gland. This technique is used to achieve an erection. Internal prostate massage, on the other hand, can be both a sexual technique and a method used for diagnostic purposes and to aid in the treatment of prostate disorders. It can be made by hand or with a vibrator.


Nuru massage is a kind of therapy, it provides a unique experience both in the physical, mental and sexual sphere. It stimulates the senses, provides a feeling of relaxation and deep relaxation. It is mandatory to use a special gel. It is a slippery and sticky colorless substance based on Noria extract. It is perfect for all men who love the beauty of a woman's body, fulfillment of fantasies, helps to relieve sexual tension. The masseuse with her naked body massages your naked body, she works in front of all your body ( belly, breasts, bottom ).


Open configuration options Tantric massage is a sensual massage that involves a whole range of manipulations:
• The meditative basis, that is, the spirit comes first and then the body
• The absolute unity of the client and the professional on a spiritual and physical level
• Tantric massage implies the stimulation

Tantric massage normalizes the body's metabolic processes, accelerates the removal of toxins. Tonicity improves, energy potential increases, relationships harmonize, emotional and physiological endurance increases. There is a general rejuvenation and regeneration of the body. The excitement will increase with the potential.


Four hands massage is exclusive and brings to the massaged person the maximum of pleasant sensations. It is performed by two masseuses simultaneously. Double touch evokes extraordinary positive emotions, relaxes and gives a sense of happiness.
The massage is performed with relaxing oriental music, candlelight and natural essential oils. This type of massage is especially recommended to people looking for physical and mental relief, relaxation from excessive duties.


BODY TO BODY massage is a form of working with the patient's body that uses massage in combination with elements of movement. BODY WORK refers to methods of working with and through the body. BODY WORK is a relaxing and therapeutic massage.

The original relaxation in BODY TO BODY massage is the use of touch alone, deeper, more detailed relaxation and the release of so-called blocked areas in the patient's body is a combination of massage and soft tissue work through movement and breath synchronization.

BODY WORK massage works for both.

Preventive and relaxation techniques, as well as the timing of work in a particular area, are individually tailored to the problems the massage therapist finds in the patient's body.

BODY TO BODY massage can be performed on the whole body or on a specific part of the body. Techniques characteristic of classical massage are used, such as stroking, rubbing and kneading the surface of the skin and underlying tissues, interspersed with passive movement of the therapist's joints.


A unique show of our beautiful masseuses who really like each other. The girls will take care of you in a unique way, of course, but above all they will also be active towards each other. A real Lesbo Show in front of your eyes, especially for a special occasion which is undoubtedly a bachelor party.


The massage is performed in the golden room with champagne. The initial masseuse performs in lingerie, performs gold pipe dancing and striptease. Then the masseuse massages your naked body with the naked body and works mainly with the body (abdomen, buttocks, breasts). Possible shared shower.


Open configuration options In recent years, hot stone treatments have become popular all over the world, although their healing effect was already used hundreds of years ago in the Far East.
Stone massage combines traditional massage techniques and the action of hot basalt stones. Heated to the right temperature stones are used to massage the torso. The smaller ones are placed between the toes and the hands. Basalt is a dark solidified volcanic lava, well maintaining and giving body heat. The heat that the massaged person feels during the procedure helps to transfer energy in case of its deficiency and absorb its excess from the diseased part of the body.
Such a massage gives relaxation, full relaxation, allows you to achieve internal balance, relax muscles and stimulate circulation.
Hot stone massage soothes the senses, relieves muscle tension, improves the work of internal organs, eliminates stress, provides strength and immunity.

Advantages of hot stone massage:
relaxes, has a calming effect, relieves symptoms of stress,
improves skin elasticity, firmness and nutrition,
helps fight cellulite because it speeds up blood and lymph circulation,
eliminates tension and muscle fatigue,
regenerates the body, e.g. after long-term effort,
supports the work of the circulatory system.


Bamboo massage is a deep tissue stimulating massage. It is performed with special bamboo sticks and has a relaxing and healing effect. The hot sticks roll the muscles, which leads to immediate relaxation. At the same time, blood and lymph circulation is stimulated and any pain is relieved. Massage with bamboo reaches deep tissues and thanks to it oxygenation of cells is also increased. Allows you to achieve a state of complete relaxation, regeneration and revitalization. It reduces nervous tension, improves mood and relieves depressive state. It has a positive effect on the psyche. In addition, massage with bamboos, increases flexibility and firmness of the figure, helps to get rid of cellulite. Bamboo massage is especially recommended for people who are highly stressed every day.


Erotic massage is a wonderful, relaxing pastime not only for a single person, but also for couples. Then it ceases to be a pleasure. It also becomes a way to strengthen the bond between each other, break the bed routine and diversify the time spent together. This is an excellent proposal for couples who want to relax together, but also rekindle the fire of passion in their relationship. There's no better way to get to know, to rediscover your bodies. A successful erotic massage is a wonderful foreplay that can be extremely fascinating and exciting. If you would like to try erotic massage for two, definitely a good idea to start is a joint visit to a professional massage salon. It is not only about the wonderful experience of an erotic adventure, although this is of course the main goal of such sessions. However, you will certainly draw valuable lessons from it on how to massage each other - already in your own bedroom. An experienced masseuse will give you lots of tips, show you techniques and - just as importantly - ignite your imagination. A joint visit to the salon encourages partners, introduces them to the secrets of erotic massage and stimulates them to experiment independently. It can involve both being massaged one after the other - next to each other, as well as participating in each other's sessions.


Massage performed with professional NGEL gels, allows for amazing senses, its consistency gives an amazing glide and exciting and intense sensations.


Relaxing massage consists in complete relaxation of the body, focuses on reducing muscle tension, relaxing the whole body, reducing muscle tissue, improving circulation and lymph flow. It involves gentle rubbing, kneading and stroking. To perform a relaxing massage is usually used massage oils with relaxing properties such as lavender oil, cedar and others depending on the needs and preferences of the client.

Beneficial effects include:
• Faster recovery of tired muscles
• Acceleration of cell metabolism
• Improving the appearance of the skin
• Improving well-being

This massage is perfect for anyone who feels the need to enter a state of complete relaxation


Hot stone massage is not only relaxing but also therapeutic. The treatment is performed using basalt stones.

By undergoing a massage, you can count on:
• Improve skin nutrition
• Increase skin elasticity and firmness
• Improving the ability and muscles to exercise
• Accelerated muscle recovery after physical activity
• Improved functioning of the cardiovascular system
• Reduction of swelling
• Mitigating the effects and symptoms of stress
• Complete relaxation and unwinding


A foot massage is largely a relaxing and de-stressing treatment.The masseuse's hands relax and stretch muscles that are severely strained. Foot massage primarily affects the proper functioning of other organs of our body. It reduces stress, improves circulation and improves the condition of the skin.

Three basic techniques are most commonly used in foot massage:
• Stroking
• Rubbing
• Kneading


Cosmetic massage of the face, neck and decolletage is one of the most popular relaxation treatments. It brings relief after a long day at work, so it is especially recommended for busy and overworked people. It has a beneficial effect on our skin: it improves its colour, makes it more flexible and smooth. It improves blood circulation, making the skin better oxygenated and nourished. Facial massage is great for fighting bags under the eyes, reducing lymphatic swelling and puffiness to restore a healthy appearance.
It also has a therapeutic effect as it reduces muscle tension, thus relieving headaches and neck pain. In addition, by relaxing facial muscles, it prevents the fixation of wrinkles such as on the forehead, between the eyebrows or the so-called "crow's feet". Massage includes calming stroking, warming rubbing, shaping kneading and gently stimulating patting.
After a properly performed massage the effects are visible after just a few treatments - our skin becomes firmer and the complexion glows. Face, neck and décolleté massage is also recommended for people who want to enjoy their youthful appearance for as long as possible without undergoing more invasive procedures.


A scalp massage is a relaxing treatment that is good for your hair, scalp and mood. A head massage can help with head or neck pain, but it will also deal with stress, fatigue, bad mood and with baldness. Yes, a regular and skillfully performed scalp massage has a stimulating effect on hair follicles stimulating hair to grow.


Classical massage used for therapeutic and relaxation purposes. It is an effective method of treating sore muscles or orthopedic injuries. Stimulates muscle tissue. It is considered one of the most effective forms of therapy in the field. Classical massage can be holistic, dealing with all parts of the body from the feet to the neck. Properly performed massage stimulates tissues, regenerates muscles, improves blood circulation. Properly applied massage techniques with the right pressure make the patient feel better, and their pain, motor and other discomforts decrease.

Techniques used during a classical massage:
• Stroking
• Rubbing
• Kneading
• Occlusion
• Vibration